June Was Deadliest Month of 2014 in Iraq

iStockphoto/Thinkstock(BAGHDAD) — Figures released by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq on Tuesday indicated that June was the deadliest month of 2014 in Iraq.

UNAMI said that at least 2,417 Iraqis were killed and 2,287 injured in acts of terrorism and violence. Nickolay Mladenov, the special representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, called the number of casualties “staggering,” adding that the latest report, “points to the urgent need for all to ensure that civilians are protected.”

The report’s figures exclude the Anbar province. Baghdad was, by far, the worst affected Governorate with 375 civilians killed and 715 injured.

“What can be achieved through a Constitutional political process cannot be achieved through an exclusively military response,” Mladenov said. “Security must be restored, but the root causes of violence must be addressed.”

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