Hawaii Department of Health Rules Out Ebola in Patient

Creatas/Thinkstock(HONOLULU) — The Hawaii State Department of Health says an individual who was under evaluation for possible Ebola infection was not tested for the disease because the person “does not meet the criteria for testing.”

Dr. Linda Rosen, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, said that the hospital “acted in the best interests of the community, with an abundance of caution.” After evaluation, it was determined that the patient did not meet the clinical or travel exposure criteria for Ebola.

The nation is on heightened alert after at least three other Americans have contracted Ebola in recent weeks. Dr. Kent Brantly, Dr. Richard Sacra and Nancy Writebol were all brought back to the U.S. from West Africa and have received treatment for the disease. A fourth patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, traveled back to the U.S. and was later diagnosed with Ebola. On Thursday, NBC News reported that a freelance journalist working in Liberia tested positive for the disease as well.

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