Motorists React More Quickly to Road Signs That Show Motion

iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Motorists see a stop sign and they stop because it’s the law and because they’re trained to do so after so much time behind the wheel. Yet, some road signs can be more effective than others when they post dynamic symbols indicating motion, according to researchers who examined this phenomenon.

The researchers from the University of Virginia, University of Michigan and Brigham Young University used eye tracking technology and other methods to learn how drivers react to perceived motion on road signs.

They put participants through a series of simulated exercises that involved them driving by children’s crossing signs at school and signs used at mall crosswalks. They were also tested as if on foot, seeing wet floors and caution signs used in buildings.

In virtually all instances, the reaction time was much swifter when people came to signs that showed symbols of motion.  Although the researchers are at something of a loss to explain why this happens, they nonetheless feel that redesigning signs could lead to fewer accident-related injuries and deaths.

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