Fifty Taliban Fighters Killed as Afghan Forces Reclaim Key Buildings


MatthewBrosseau/iStock/Thinkstock(SANGIN, Afghanistan) — Fifty Taliban fighters have been killed as Afghan forces recaptured a police headquarters and a district governor’s office in the Helmand province.

Afghan forces had been trying to recapture the area, while the Taliban claimed control of. The Afghan forces staged the counterattack Wednesday evening, while the U.S. carried out air strikes, the BBC News says. Sangin is the deadliest place for U.S. forces in the deadliest province of Afghanistan.

Afghan officials and tribal elders confirmed to ABC News that while fighting continues, key buildings have been reclaimed by Afghan forces.

Among the Taliban killed in the fighting was Mullah Nasir, a confidante of Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the BBC News reports.

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