Hillary Clinton Defends Being Called 'Change-Maker'


ABC News(NEW YORK) — Hillary Clinton defended being called a “change-maker” today, despite her plans to continue with President Obama’s agenda, saying she will go further than the current administration on rebuilding the economy should she win the White House.

“You say you’re the real change agent in this campaign. But I think it’s fair to say that you’re building on the Obama agenda. You’re not rejecting it,” Fox News’ Chris Wallace said, challenging the Democratic nominee in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “Sixty-nine percent of Americans think that we’re on the wrong track … and you’re offering tweaks, not a dramatic shift.”

Clinton responded that she is offering “proven results” and plans to “build on where we are.” After a back-and-forth exchange about government involvement, she then touted her jobs plan, which she described as “the biggest job creation program since World War II.”

Wallace interjected: “But it’s infrastructure. That’s what Obama did.”

“But he didn’t get to do enough,” Clinton said. “And he didn’t get enough support from the Congress.”

At the Democratic National Convention last week, a number of Clinton surrogates and supporters cast Clinton as a lifelong change-maker.

“She’s the best darn change-maker I’ve ever met in my entire life,” former president Bill Clinton said in his speech.

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