Parents and Incoming Students Invited to Register Today

Bend, Ore. – Bend-La Pine Schools is planning for a surge of new students next fall, specifically anticipating more than 1,100 new kindergarteners.

Families and incoming students are invited to attend Kindergarten Round-up events at neighborhood schools today, April 19.

“We are on pace to welcome hundreds of new kindergarten students and their families to our elementary schools in the Bend, La Pine and Sunriver areas in September,” said Gary Timms, Executive Director of Elementary Programs for Bend-La Pine Schools. “The round-ups on April 19 are a great way for students to begin to feel connected to their neighborhood schools. They also help us understand enrollment needs to make plans for teachers, classroom space and materials.”

At many round-up events, parents will be able to ask questions, meet teachers and administrators, learn more about the school and register students.

In order to be eligible for kindergarten, students must be 5 years old prior to Sept. 1, 2017. To register, parents should bring a child’s birth certificate or other legal proof of age; proof of address; and a record of immunizations. Families can find their neighborhood school through our Attendance Area webpage.

Events at schools vary on April 19:

Juniper Elementary School, for instance, is hosting an Early Learning Fair from 2:30 to 6 p.m. that includes community partners, crafts, free books, and a chance to meet teachers.

At Pine Ridge Elementary School, parents can meet teachers and administrators, visit classrooms and register from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Contact local schools for event details.

After April 19, parents can register students between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. any school day.

Between 2000 and 2016, Bend-La Pine Schools enrollment grew by more than 5,000 students and, according to state and local projections, that trend is expected to continue.